Some people have a Halloween tradition of dressing up and going out to a party or carving lots of jack-o-lanterns. My Halloween tradition is to play Costume Quest and hand out the candy I like least to trick-or-treaters first, hoarding as many Coffee Crisps and Kit Kats for my personal consumption as possible. So when I started thinking up ideas for Halloween-themed nails, I just couldn't pass up an opportunity to try my hand at Costume Quest-inspired nails.
Costume Quest is one of those Games I Never Shut Up About™, meaning that it's a game that I really, really love and I will take any possible opportunity to tell you about it and why you should love it too.
Costume Quest is a video game about trick-or-treaters that end up going on an adventure to rescue one of their friends from sugar-loving monsters.
Why do I love Costume Quest? Because I love the idea that on Halloween, these kids "become who [they] really are inside". When walking around in the neighborhood, the kid looks like s/he's just wearing blue boxes as a robot costume. In battle, s/he becomes an epic Gundam-looking robot that shoots rockets. I love getting a new costume and finding out what kind of awesome monster it translates to in battle. I love that you can choose between a male or female protagonist and that
the dialogue is the same whether you are playing the boy or the girl. I like that in the promo materials, the female twin Wren's costume is a
knight and not a princess or other gendered costume. I like the inclusion of POC. Basically you should just get it so we can be Costume Quest friends and talk about how great it is.
Not my cleanest work but I'm happy I challenged myself! This is easily the most detailed work I've done to date. I used mainly acrylics except for the red dot on the robot antenna (butter London Pillar Box Red), the knight's helmet (Orly Dazzle), Statue of Liberty's headpiece (Essie Maximilian Strasse-her), and Metropolis at Metrotown's orange for the background. The candy corn nail is OPI Alpine Snow, Metropolis at Metrotown's orange, and Layla Ceramic Effect CE84.
In natural sunlight |
What are your plans this Halloween? What's your favourite Halloween candy?