Share your new year’s beauty resolutions!

LILY | Malaysia | Chloe Ash
My new year’s beauty resolution is simple. Enjoy quality things, and try to make a dent in some makeup. As for skincare, stick to the tried and true. For body, I need to drink more water, eat better and be consistent in my workouts. That’s it! Happy New Year everyone. Here’s to a great start and a fantastic 2016.
RAE | Canada | the Notice: a beauty blog
My beauty resolution for 2016 is to get back into indie beauty! I feel like I’ve really drifted from my small company roots, and I’d love to start using more offbeat brands again. Whether that’s mom & pop shops or just more unique finds, I’m hoping to try more obscure products this year.
ANGELA | Canada | Do Want Makeup
First, working on the inside: drink more water to hydrate myself from the inside out, and get more sleep at a regular schedule! Other than that, I want to continue my Fashion Week-inspired nail art and do even more nail looks than I did last year. I also want to buy less product, and spend more time exploring and re-discovering my current stash and creating new looks with them.
AGATA | USA | Her and Makeup
My beauty resolution is the same every year- to limit my makeup purchases and start using more of what I already have! This year it’s the same. I am actually proud of myself for how well I did in the second part of last year and I discovered that shopping my own makeup stash can be fun too and I have been using more products that I completely forgot about.
ANNE | Germany | Linda, Libra, Loca
My only new years beauty resolution is actually an old one: Use more of the stuff I already own and buy less new things!
I have been doing pretty well at not buying too much throughout the last two years, but finishing a makeup product other than the usual suspects (Concealer, powder, mascara) is still a struggle.
To help me with this resolution (and mentioned here for shameless self promotion) I started a You Tube channel to create more makeup looks that are out of my comfort zone!
Who knows, before 2016 is gone I could have finished a green eyeshadow!
ERIN | USA | Clever Girl Reviews
1. Make my way through my lipstick stash
2. Make a dent in my perfume stash
3. Only buy things I’ve sampled or am willing to or able to return, which will be incredibly hard!
4. Buy quality over quantity!
5. Do something with my huge mop of hair. It’s been two years since I’ve had a haircut or color!
MELISSA | Switzerland | Kiss & Make-up
This year I’d like to use more masks – sheet masks in particular – and get more into K-beauty and Asian beauty in general. And since I’ll be spending five whole weeks in Japan soon I also plan on putting a little Japanese twist on the blog and my beauty routine.
JAA | Thailand | Hello Jaa
Like everyone else, I also want to limit my spending on beauty products this year! I’ve noticed my interest shifting from makeup to skincare during the past 4-5 months so I’ll probably get into more skincare products now. I have come to realize that I have so much makeup in my stash so I’ll try to use what I already have and hopefully I’ll finish some of them this year. As for new stuff, I’ll still be buying but it won’t be from every new collection that comes out. I’ll definitely be more picky this year. Just like Erin said, quality over quantity!

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