Hi, guess who is trying to get back into the swing of (blogging) things~ I have a bunch of stuff that has been sitting and waiting around super patiently for me to get my shit together, so here we go.
I posted these spacey, galaxy-y nails earlier this year on
Instagram; they were inspired by a LUSH bath bomb that had glittery gold stars in it, and I honestly still love this look so much. I think this might be my second or third time ever doing water marble, and as a result my left (dominant) hand, which I always do second, turned out much better than my right hand after getting the hang of it. So in this post, I have photos of both hands, which is a little unusual :)
First, two (or maybe it was three?) coats of Layla Pro N.19. The peacock blue with tons of gold-green, fine iridescent shimmer is a perfect base. Unfortunately this brand seems to be discontinued now, but a similar polish in terms of the shimmer is maybe OPI Do You Sea What I Sea. Afterwards, I made a water marble by layering OPI Funny Bunny and more Layla Pro N.19. Funny Bunny is a milky white that worked really well at making that translucent effect. The extra N.19 in the marbling added more shimmer. Last, I painted gold stars with Orly Luxe and added a few dots to represent distant stars. I tried to give them an 'aura' of gold for more dimension using Essie As Gold As It Gets (super fine gold shimmer in clear base), but it ended up just making the outline of the stars look messy.
I'd like to try re-doing this look again because I think I could do so much better. If you have any water marbling tips, please send them my way!